Mobile Calculi based on Domains



The MIKADO consortium consists of one research organisation (INRIA), three higher education organisations (University of Firenze, University of Lisboa and University of Sussex), and one industrial partner (France Telecom R&D).


INRIA brings the expertise of two research groups to the project. The Sardes team (previously Sirac) at INRIA Rhône-Alpes has wide-ranging expertise in the area of distributed system design and construction as well as formal computational models for open distributed systems. This expertise is at the core of work-packages 1 and 3. The Mimosa team at INRIA Sophia Antipolis has wide-ranging expertise in the area of formal calculi and associated type systems, areas which are at the core of work-packages 1 and 2 of the project. Both teams have been involved in numerous European projects, including e.g. Esprit CEDISYS, CONCUR I and II, CONFER, C3DS, PerDIS, BROADCAST.
Key personnel:

France Telecom R&D

France Telecom R&D brings the expertise of its Distributed Systems Architecture (ASR) department to the project, both in architectural models for distributed systems and in the development of distributed object platforms. This expertise will be used in Work-packages 1 and 3. The ASR department has been involved in several European projects, including e.g. Esprit ISA, ACTS ReTINA, and is currently involved in IST projects FAIN and PING.
Key personnel:

University of Firenze

The University of Firenze brings the expertise of researchers from Dipartimento di Sistemi and Informatica at Universita' di Firenze and that of researchers from Dipartimento di Informatica at Universita' di Torino. The group of Torino has a wide ranging expertise on models and type systems of programming languages that have been applied to concurrent and object-oriented programming languages. The group of Firenze has long worked on the design and the analysis of concurrent, distributed systems. An important outcome of this work is the development of a language for programming mobile interactive systems providing linguistic support for describing mobile systems, while guaranteeing security, and a semantic framework that permits verification of program properties. The group has well-acknowledged expertise in the field of process calculi and on applications for computer networks. The two goups will be particularly active in WP2 and WP3. Both groups have been involved in other European projects, we just mention Esprit LOTOSPHERE, CEDISYS, GENTZEN, EUROFORM.
Key personnel:

University of Sussex

The University of Sussex brings the expertise of its Foundations of Computer Science research group. The group has well-established expertise in process calculi and behavioural techniques for the specification and verification of distributed systems and higher-order programming languages It has advocated so-called "located" versions of process calculi for describing fundamental properties of mobile agents, and expects to provide significant input into the work-packages 1 and 2. The Foundations of Computer Science group has been involved in several EC funded projects, including Esprit CEDISYS, CONCUR I, CONCUR II, and CONFER.
Key personnel:

University of Lisbon

The University of Lisbon contributes well-established expertise on concurrent object-based models of computation based on process calculi, implementation of languages built on these models, and type systems to enforce that "programs do not go wrong" as well as guiding compiler optimisations. The University of Lisboa will be particularly active in the work-packages 1 and 3.
Key personnel:

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