Mobile Calculi based on Domains

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A. Jeffrey and J. Rathke Contextual equivalence for higher-order pi-calculus revisited Abstract pdf (140 Kb)
A. Matos and G. Boudol and I. Castellani Typing noninterference for reactive programs Abstract pdf (111 Kb)
A. Ravara and A. Matos and V. Vasconcelos and L. Lopes A lexically scoped distributed pi-calculus Abstract pdf (357 Kb)
A. Ravara and A. Matos and V. Vasconcelos and L. Lopes Lexically scoping distribution: what you see is what you get Abstract pdf (249 Kb)
A. Schmitt and J.B. Stefani The M-calculus: A Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculus Abstract pdf (264 Kb)
A. Vallecillo and V. Vasconcelos and A. Ravara Typing the Behavior of Objects and Components using Session Types Abstract pdf (232 Kb)
C. Braghin and D. Gorla and V. Sassone A Distributed Calculus for Role-Based Access Control Abstract pdf (2000 Kb)
C. Lhoussaine and V. Sassone A Dependently Typed Ambient Calculus Abstract pdf (147 Kb)
D. Gorla and M. Hennessy and V. Sassone Security Policies as Membranes in Systems for Global Computing Abstract pdf (249 Kb)
D. Gorla and R. Pugliese Controlling Data Movement in Global Computing Applications Abstract pdf (102 Kb)
D. Gorla and R. Pugliese Resource Access and Mobility Control with Dynamic Privileges Acquisition Abstract pdf (203 Kb)
D. Gorla and R. Pugliese Enforcing Security Policies via Types Abstract pdf (239 Kb)
D. Gorla and R. Pugliese A semantics theory for global computing systems Abstract pdf (175 Kb)
D. Teller and P. Zimmer and D. Hirschkoff Using Ambients to Control Resources Abstract pdf (230 Kb)
F. Barbanera and M. Bugliesi and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and V. Sassone A Calculus of Bounded Capacities Abstract pdf (140 Kb)
F. Barbanera and M. Bugliesi and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and V. Sassone A Calculus of Bounded Capacities Abstract pdf (222 Kb)
F. Damiani and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and P. Giannini On Re-classification and Multithreading Abstract pdf (380 Kb)
F. Damiani and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and P. Giannini Re-classification and Multi-threading: Fickle MT Abstract pdf (192 Kb)
F. Germain and M. Lacoste and J.-B. Stefani An Abstract Machine for a Higher-Order Distributed Process Calculus Abstract pdf (311 Kb)
F. Martins and A. Ravara Typing Migration Control in Lsdpi Abstract pdf (177 Kb)
F. Martins and A. Ravara Static control of code migration Abstract pdf (134 Kb)
F. Martins and L. Lopes and V. Vasconcelos The Impact of Linearity Information on the Performance of TyCO Abstract pdf (331 Kb)
F. Martins and L. Salvador and L. Lopes and V. Vasconcelos MiKO\Mikado Koncurrent Object Abstract pdf (118 Kb)
F. Martins and V. Vasconcelos Controlling Security Policies in a Distributed Environment Abstract pdf (346 Kb)
F. Martins and V. Vasconcelos History-based access control for distributed processes Abstract pdf (160 Kb)
G. Boudol A generic membrane model Abstract pdf (251 Kb)
G. Boudol ULM: a core programming model for global computing Abstract pdf (236 Kb)
G. Boudol and P. Zimmer On type inference in the intersection type discipline Abstract pdf (211 Kb)
H. Paulino and P. Marques and L. Lopes and V. Vasconcelos and F. Silva A Multi-Threaded Asynchronous Language Abstract pdf (176 Kb)
J.B. Stefani A Calculus of Kells Abstract ps (361 Kb)
J.B. Stefani A Calculus of Higher-Order Distributd Components Abstract pdf (418 Kb)
L. Acciai and M.Boreale XPi: a typed process calculus for XML messaging Abstract pdf (254 Kb)
L. Bettini A Java package for class and mixin mobility in a distributed setting Abstract pdf (88 Kb)
L. Bettini and M. Loreti and R. Pugliese An Infrastructure Language for Open Nets Abstract pdf (63 Kb)
L. Bettini and R. {De Nicola} and D. Falassi and M. Lacoste and L. Lopes and L. Oliveira and H. Paul A Software Framework for Rapid Prototyping of Run-Time Systems for Mobile Calculi Abstract pdf (200 Kb)
L. Bettini and V. Bono and B. Venneri \textsc{O'Klaim}: a coordination language with mobile mixins Abstract pdf (60 Kb)
L. Bettini and V. Bono and S. Likavec A Core Calculus of Higher-Order Mixins and Classes Abstract pdf (60 Kb)
L. Bettini and V. Bono and S. Likavec A Core Calculus of Higher-Order Mixins and Classes Abstract pdf (132 Kb)
L. Bettini and V. Bono and S. Likavec A Core Calculus of Mixin-Based Incomplete Objects Abstract pdf (127 Kb)
M. Boreale and D. Gorla Process calculi and the verification of security protocols Abstract pdf (119 Kb)
M. Boreale and D. Gorla On Compositional Reasoning in the spi-calculus Abstract pdf (181 Kb)
M. Boreale and F. Gadduoci Denotational Testing Semantics in Coinductive Form Abstract ps (220 Kb)
M. Boreale and M. Buscemi Symbolic analysis of crypto-protocols based on modular exponentiation Abstract pdf (236 Kb)
M. Boreale and M. Buscemi and U. Montanari D-Fusion: a Distinctive Fusion Calculus Abstract pdf (99 Kb)
M. Boreale and M.G. Buscemi A Method for Symbolic Analysis of Security Protocols Abstract pdf (232 Kb)
M. Boreale and M.G. Buscemi and U. Montanari A general name binding mechanism Abstract pdf (291 Kb)
M. Coppo and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and E. Giovannetti The M3 Paradigm: Types and Type Inference for Ambient and Process Mobility Abstract pdf (330 Kb)
M. Coppo and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and E. Giovannetti and I. Salvo {\bf M}$^3$: Mobility Types for Mobile Processes in Mobile Ambients Abstract pdf (349 Kb)
M. Coppo and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} A Fully Abstract Model for Higher-Order Mobile Ambients Abstract pdf (146 Kb)
M. Coppo and M. {Dezani-Ciancaglini} and E. Giovannetti and R. Pugliese Dynamic and Local Typing for Mobile Ambients Abstract pdf (124 Kb)
M. Hennessy and J. Rathke and N. Yoshida SafeDpi: a language for controlling mobile code Abstract pdf (432 Kb)
M. Hennessy and M. Merro and J. Rathke Towards a behavioural theory of access and mobility control in distributed systems Abstract pdf (433 Kb)
M. Lacoste A Survey of Some Implementation Techniques for Security Membranes Abstract pdf (85 Kb)
M. Lacoste IMC: Flexible Communication Support for Implementing Mobile Process Calculi Abstract ps (445 Kb)
M. Lacoste A Distributed Virtual Machine for Programming Mobile Processes Abstract ps.gz (779 Kb)
M. Lacoste Building Reliable Distributed Infrastructures Revisited: a Case Study Abstract pdf (63 Kb)
P. Bidinger and J.B. Stefani The Kell calculus: operational semantics and type system Abstract ps (225 Kb)
R. Chadha and S. Kremer and A. Scedrov Formal analysis of multi-party contract signing Abstract ps (367 Kb)
R. {De Nicola} and D. Gorla and R. Pugliese Confining Data and Processes in Global Computing Applications Abstract pdf (392 Kb)
R. {De Nicola} and D. Gorla and R. Pugliese Basic Observables for a Calculus for Global Computing Abstract pdf (226 Kb)
R. {De Nicola} and D. Gorla and R. Pugliese Global Computing in a Dynamic Network of Tuple Spaces Abstract pdf (136 Kb)
R. {De Nicola} and D. Gorla and R. Pugliese On the Expressive Power of KLAIM-based Calculi Abstract pdf (226 Kb)
R. {De Nicola} and M. Loreti A Modal Logic for Mobile Agents Abstract pdf (314 Kb)
R. {De Nicola} and M. Loreti Open Nets Contexts and Their Properties Abstract pdf (131 Kb)
R.~{De Nicola} and G.-L.~Ferrari and U.~Montanari and R.~Pugliese and E.~Tuosto A Formal Basis for Reasoning on Programmable QoS Abstract pdf (469 Kb)
S. Epardaud Mobile reactive programming in ULM Abstract pdf (356 Kb)
S. Gay and V. Vasconcelos and A. Ravara Session Types for Inter-Process Communication Abstract pdf (277 Kb)
T. Owen and J. Rathke and I. Wakeman JPolicy: a Java extension for dynamic access control Abstract ps (225 Kb)
V. Vasconcelos and A. Ravara and S. Gay Session types for functional multithreading Abstract pdf (306 Kb)
X. Guan Towards A Tree of Channels Abstract pdf (223 Kb)
X. Guan From Ambients to a routing calculus Abstract pdf (226 Kb)

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