Mobile Calculi based on Domains

Enforcing Security Policies via Types

D. Gorla and R. Pugliese


Security is a key issue for distributed systems/applications with code mobility, like, e.g., e-commerce and on-line bank transactions. In a scenario with code mobility, traditional solutions based on cryptography cannot deal with all security issues and additional mechanisms are necessary. In this paper, we present a flexible and expressive type system for security for a calculus of distributed and mobile processes. The type system has been designed to supply real systems security features, like the assignment of different privileges to users over different data/resources. Type soundness is guaranteed by using a combination of static and dynamic checks, thus enforcing specific security policies on the use of resources. The usefulness of our approach is shown by modeling the simplified behaviour of a bank account management system.

  author = \{D. Gorla and R. Pugliese},
  title = \{Enforcing Security Policies via Types},
  booktitle = \{Proc. of 1st Intern.Conf. on Security in Pervasive Computing (SPC 03)},
  year = \{2003}, 
  pages = \{88--103}, 
  volume = \{2802}, 
  series = \{LNCS}, 
  publisher = \{Springer}, 
  url = \{}

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